GP Automotive Renewal Service: 991 GT3 - Clear Bra, Window Tint, and Nano Coating


Once all panels are properly polished and paint chips touched up, we give the car a complete bath to remove any and all polishing residue. Then we begin dis-assembling to give us the exposed areas we need to properly cover with clear bra. As you can imagine, this takes a great deal of effort and more importantly, technical know-how and experience


Surfaces polished and cleaned and ready for installation


Everything is meticulously cataloged


Since we had door panels removed for access to mirrors and door handles, this also helped us do a stellar tint installation as well




Installation Complete


Here, the left side has no film and the right side has film. As you can see, both film and installation are almost undetectable


No matter how well we catalog, that last nut or bolt makes it all worth it knowing we didn't have any spare parts. You can never get too comfortable doing the same task. Being cautious is a good thing


Replace weather stripping on roof




In-House Charging Station Up and Ready